Dear blog,
I'm sorry for neglecting you again eventhough its clearly I'm on my holiday till September. Sesungguhnya aku ini tidak sempurna dan penuh dengan palitan dosa (Tetiba)
So, all Tamhidi students have got their final exam result, and yes, CONGRATULATIONS to're still alive after went all the tantrums and breakdowns of Tamhidi phase.
This post might be boring because I just want to summarize and conclude every things that I've done or what I felt during my Law & Sharie foundation phase. Either you close the tab or prepare a pile, in case you might puke because its so self-centered. (Doesnt relate to anyone/anything except law students & legal stuffs)
The first time in law school brought excitement & at the same time it was the scariest. There’s so much to learn and it’s completely different to what I've learned during my school phase. ITS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, AND AT SOME PARTICULAR TIMES, IT FELT LIKE I WAS A NEWBORN BABY UWEKKK UWEKKK (Ok apahal jijik gila ni hahaha)
Actually, there is no secret formula for studying law (I wish there was) Sama je macam korang belajar perubatan, pergigian, akaun, sastera, TESL dan lain-lain. You just need to put extra efforts, have passion in whatever you do and prayers. THATS ALL. Cewnang khen!?!
BUT, lets be honest - Law foundation was quite hard actually. I remember sitting in a lecture for my first time, watching all the other students around me - They were in perfect control of legal studies - They sat through lectures without falling asleep and without panicking about exams padahal dah nak dekat - DENGAN EMPAT SUBJEK ARABNYA LAGI - AND I WAS LIKE "WEH SERIOUSLY KORANG NI MANUSIA KE ROBOT!!!"
And basically, these FIVE tips really helped me a lot, SUMPAH.
(*Buat gaya sumpah mcm Saiful Bukhari)
(*Guna background mahkamah guna teknik green-screen)
1. Aim to do a little bit studying each day. even its just for two minutes. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit and you’ll be surprised by how much you've learned.
2. Flashcards/mind maps are great for rote learning. You can pull them out at any time and I swear (Again?) if you do this, youre the coolest kid in your university because its actually kinda hard to make flashcards/MM when you're studying law (TRUE STORY)
3. Use colours. Bright colours can make even the most boring of notes become more exciting. (At least it can brighten your world a bit, because law books have NO PICTURES and yeah, its BORING) (PERLU KE CAPSLOCK SEBENARNYA)
4. Give yourself a break occasionally. Go watch Running Man or Suits or Big Bang Theory. You get to know new vocabularies. It technically counts as studying, right?
5. And lastly, the most important - Discuss about what you've learned with your friends. You can tell them how the case between Donoghue and Stevenson went on OR they can tell you whats the judgement of Lina Joy's case. Bertukar-tukar pendapat & have a small debate.
(*Seriously, nombor LIMA tu adalah sangat penting. Tanpanya, mesti aku sudah terkapai-kapai di dalam lautan kamus-kamus Arab, kes-kes dan akta-akta.)
But here's something (From what I've got lah or kira macam pengajaran)
1. Theres NO such thing as the perfect student - Trying to achieve perfection just sets me up for failure, and needless mental anguish. In my case my, attempts to be ‘perfect’ would often result in thoughts of "Wei stress gila tahu tak," (Sambil minum Neskafe sebaldi). Just made small or realistic, achievable goals would eventually reach the bigger ones.
2. Lack of knowledge is probably what all students have in common when they start out - Jadi chill jelah hahaha. Dont be an arrogant douchebag, you only make yourself look like a major toss-pot. Be humble and cope with your friends instead of basing your sense of self worth based on arrogant notion of being apparently intelligent (Arrogant people atau sesiapa yang suka brag really annoy me a lot)So, chill jelah weh hahaha.
3. Dont expect to be given the answers. FIND THEM YOURSELF.
4. Stop and REST for a while. It is amazing actually how much more enjoyable reading and thinking about law is when I'm not forcing myself to do it. And no sane person could study Law from dusk till dawn. Kan? So relaks kejap, pi makan megi dan bergelak ketawa bersama housemates.
Joging pun best jugak huhuhu.
Jadi....ada sesiapa yang sudah muntah?
NAH! (Hulur baldi)
Ok bai, jumpa bulan September nanti inshaAllah!
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