Oct 13, 2012

Lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanya tak update blog

Seriously, I dont understand even a thing pun. Whats wrong with you? Oh yeah, you can call me a dramatic-girl but hello if you were at my place, I bet you'll do the same thing too, silly.

May the guilt be ever in your favour. For not telling me the reasons.


So what a hectic study phase, FOUNDATION/Tamhidi atau dalam erti kata lain kena sumbat semua subjek dalam satu tahun dan anda kena berjaya kalau taknak kena tendang.

Ok, mari summarize untuk menjimatkan masa.

LAW IS FUN (Except for the reading cases part)
For me doing law is like living in a time capsule. You’re so busy with reading cases or articles (Hehehe ini poyo sebenarnya) you kind of forget the outside (social) world exists and then when you interact with normal people they’re all “Oh this movie” or “Oh that novel” or “Oh that new brand of smartphone," and you’re just like

because law students dont socialize too much (Ok ini poyo lagi)

Atas ini description mitos je sebenarnya because most of people out there are thinking law students are nerds. NO, WE ARE NOT. Nah I dont know tapi yg pasti aku tak skema sebab aku ada Facebook dan Twitter dan blog dan Flickr dan Tumblr
(Trying to prove that I'm socializing too much lol)

Oh ya mari sambung.

Tapi part paling tak seronok, aku tak dapat nak adapt lagi dengan culture Arab (Hahahaha ini paling poyo gaya macam hidup dekat Arab Saudi je) Maksud aku, aku still tak boleh nak adapt lagi dengan subjek-subjek Arab such as Fikh, Syariah, and Hadith.

EH BUKAN. Maksud aku, aku tak boleh nak adapt lagi dengan lecturer yg masuk dewan kuliah dan pum pam pum pam kasi lecture dalam Arab mcm peluru machinegun. SUSAH.

Tarik balik perkataan SUSAH tu, hello Nabilah where is your positive side yg ala-ala cheerful gitu, bila masuk topik Arab, kenapa postive side tu boleh hilang macam tu je? 

Tapi tak kira nak sambung degree dekat UK dalam civil law jugak walau apa pun yg terjadi.
Percaya dekat Allah, doa, usaha, inshaAllah Allah permudahkan.

Semoga Farah Nabilah dapat further degree in civil law dekat UK, ameen.

Lastly, goodluck for all tamhidians lagi-lagi pre-law students
Semoga semua berjaya setelah penat berusaha, inshaAllah

Jadi, aku dah dapat kenalpasti punca kenapa mama cantik dan ayah hensem
Sebab ikut genetik aku la, heheheehehehehehehehe