Dec 29, 2012

#2-Observation (Desperado)

So, today. Ive learnt ONE new thing.

When you feel so desperate and frustate gila to finish your homeworks/assignments 
which the submission date is like tomorrow/lusa/tulat, 
believe me, you could FINISH the assignment in ONE SHOT.

Dengan syarat. Kamu mestilah berasa terdesak.

But, its NOT good. Nampak sangat suka tangguh kerja.

(Post ni sebenarnya tengah kutuk diri sendiri)

Next, Ive no intention at all to further my study if there are any Arabic subjects there.
Come on, I've spent almost 12 years with Arabic (Excluded al-Quran)
but theres NO an outstanding result at all.

Aku suka Arab tapi aku tak boleh. Taktau apesal.

NAAAH. Complain-complain apa dapat Farah. Bukan boleh dapat A+ pun.
*tampar diri sendiri kasi sedar diri*

Do check out my Instagram : neboo94
(Kalau aku promote Instagram aku, dikira sebagai Invitation To Treat ke)
Kahkahkah, tetiba masuk Law of Contract.

Dec 24, 2012

#1-Observation (I NEED ANSWERS)


How do people deal with love AGAIN, 
when they've experienced the pain of being left/dumped?
No, I'm not judging or criticizing or whatever you may call it, 
I'm just OVERLY INTERESTED to know about it.

After breakup, crying and screaming your heart out,
“I lost feelings. I don’t know when or why it happened.”
Weeks after that, you got new partners. SO FAST. I dont understand 'that' part too.

I need answers, anyone?

Whoever has been experienced the pain of being left/dumped,
I swear youre so strong, you impress me with your strength, you moved on,

Can you lend me bits of the strength of yours?
To help me cope with assignments, pressure, 
whenever I feel down with somebody,
to make me feel strong when I miss my parents, my family and my home,
whenever I feel down when I realise theres such a gap between me and Allah.
Whenever I feel sad/lonely and fight the urge to cry in front of many people.

Please, can I borrow your strength?

Tak apa lagi ditinggalkan manusia,
apa ya rasa kalau Allah lupa dan tinggalkan kita?

Dec 13, 2012

Untuk the most favourite name in the worldddd

Thank you.

Back in 2011, I followed you in Twitter because of your brilliant and tazkirah-like tweets.
You followed me back. Thank you.

I got mad at my junior and I childishly called her monkey.
You teased me, saying something about zoo and monkeys,
and I was like hek eleh dah lah tak kenal tetiba kata aku suka monyet,
then I realised something, you made me forget my anger towards that 'monkey'.
Thank you.

I asked at Twitter.
What is the difference between WILL and WOULD.
You explained it to me with brilliant examples.
Thank you.

I signed up Skype account, you added me.
Thank you.

Through Skype, you taught me on how to make sentences from a list of vocabularies that I gave you, thank you.

I told you about my dream yang kepala adik tercacak buah durian tu,
you conter-attacked with a ghost story.

During my driving course, you taught me many lessons.
Beribu kali thank you (Because I am so cuak and gelabah when it comes to driving)

I gave you my number thru DM,
(Craziest thing that Ive ever done lol I'm so scared of what you might think about me, few minutes after that I regretted it kahkahkah)
"Itulah campak-campak lagi nombor dekat DM orang,"
You texted me. I was gobsmacked by it.
Thank you.

I always complain on how hard the Arabic subjects are,
you told me that Arabic is easy,
Well that wasnt helping at all kahkahkah,
apa-apa pun, thank you for being there when I was complaining.

For translating a subtopic in Mabadi Fikh subject, thank you.

You taught me many things without you realise.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Tapi di mana silapnya? I seriously couldnt understand.
If you tell me the reasons why youre behaving like this, whether its bad or good,
I dont care at all, asalkan bagitahu.

My assumption is, youre behaving like this,
because I'm not as modest as a modest woman should be.
(I have lots of assumptions but most of them are negative and immature and the one that I stated above is the least negative among em all)

Ok, tutup. Ikutlah, suka hatilah, aku penat.
Penat berfikir kenapa, kenapa dan kenapa.
Apa-apa pun, terima kasih.

Sticky Note : Semoga berjaya di Mesir, semoga berjaya bersama medik, semoga tercapai cita-cita untuk menjadi doktor and above all, semoga berjaya untuk mencapai title mujahid sejati. Amin.

Dec 9, 2012

For complainers,

Alhamdulillah, masih hidup. Allah masih bagi peluang *tarik nafas,hembus*

Hi semua readers yg setia, (Konon ada orang baca)
Before that, I want to thank to all my loyal readers,
blog ini takkan wujud tanpa kehadiran kamu semua *baling bunga*
Kahkahkah, aku ni suka tetiba ye tak.

Aku PALING pelik dengan dua jenis manusia yang tak pandai ataupun buat-buat bodoh
dalam bersangka baik dengan rencana Allah dan kuat merungut/complain.

Yes, I complain too but I think I'm always being aware of its limitation,
By saying "Penatlah" once or twice dalam sehari, normal lah kan?
But the level of normality has changed into "SANGAT TAK NORMAL" when you tend to complain about every single thing that happens in your life.

"Omg today was so exhausting I dont want to live anymore please somebody kill me before I take drugs or stabbing myself with Kilometrico pens, oh I want to kill my lecturers too, they are so freaking arrogant and annoying I want to yell in front of their faces and say SHUT UP A BUNCH OF MORONS and bla bla bla,"

(Dialog diatas tiada kena mengena dengan yang hidup atau mati. Hiperbola, biasalah Nabilah loves hiperbola hehehe)

Instead of saying useless things/negative thoughts,
cuba fikir 1001 hikmah di sebalik kejadian.
Allah plans something (Whether its bad or good) undoubtedly there are lots of HIKMAH and good things plus Allah wants us to think why, why and why these things happen to us. And the most important thing is, Allah wants to teach us on HOW to bersukur.

Feel blessed, people! Allah loves you.

Ok, aku bagi contoh/situasi. Bayangkan kau selalu tak dapat tempat duduk dalam bas (Especially for USIM students hehehe) and you bring a lot of books with you and that day is the most exhausting day in your life. Well complainers, instead of complaining,

"I hate USIM, I hate this bus, I hate crowded places eish tak aci gila aku hari-hari berdiri dengan buku berat, penat woi tahu tak," (Merungut dalam hati)

Cuba didik pemikiran, change your thoughts with this,

"Allah, hari-hari aku kena berdiri its okay Allah wants me to be patient, plus boleh jugak aku jadi kurus, kecikkan peha (Tetiba), kempiskan perut yeay bestnya dah tak buncit dah, and boleh keluar peluh sikit jadi sihat," 

Fikir je apa-apa benda positif, nak melalut sampai ke langit ketujuh pun takde siapa nak marah I tell you, asalkan kita dapat nyah pemikiran negatif dan busuk itu dari hati dan otak kita. Ok selamat berjaya. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal, kawan!
(Note to self and friends)

Happy belated birthday to Safiyyah the cheekiest girl in the world
Semoga jadi anak yang solehah, pandai dan ayu gitu kahkahkah

Sticky Note : Masih tak dapat adapt lagi dengan Law of Contracts-Sad truth