May 5, 2012

I dedicate this to all my friends.

Peace be upon you and HELLO semua! *cheek to cheek kisses* (Girls only) 
ya Allah blog ni dah serupa blog terbuang dah, sedehnya nasib baik saya dapat hidayah untuk mengutipnya kembali. Amboi kemain saya ber-hidayah dalam blog.

 (Aku bet ini ekspresi masa dah habis SPM haritu)

(Saya nak perbaiki English saya, maybe ini post yg paling bosan)

So I just graduated from SMKS 18 Hebat a few months ago and honestly I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel right now. No one can tells you how you’re supposed to feel at times like this. I know everyone was probably like  

"Ya Allah best gila siot dah habis sekolah, dah habis SPM, dah lepas segala beban and now I'm free, yeargggh!"

 And to be honest I am happy to get out of there.

But my classmates, my dormates, those friends whom I share so many memories and experiences with, they’ve practically and automatically become my family. I spent 8 hours a day with my classmates and 24 hours with my housemates (Aspuri) and it’s been that way for the past 5 years. We shared almost everything (Our parents, siblings, foods, clothes, problems, barang mandi/membasuh ahaks) Tell those funny stuffs that happened during the day. Make jokes and laugh till we’re crying. For the past 5 years they were always there for me, cheered me up, made me sad, excited, menyampah and etc.

I wish I could experience the university phase with them too but its quite impossible to gather them around in same university and I do wish them all the best. I’m sure we’ll stay in touch inshaAllah but the distances may be our obstacles and I hope there is no awkwardness if there's reunion, gathering or wtv because I hate awkward things.

Point is, I’m happy to leave school, and I’m excited to start a new page of my life, but I’m extremely sad that I’ll have to leave so many amazing friends behind. Plus, I need to be redha and pasrah (Ber-ombak rindu pula) with UPU's outcome this becoming 7th. I always tell to myself  "Kalau tak dapat law, tolong POSITIF dgn Allah," Yes, because I believe, theres 1001 hikmahs in Allah's plans. Kan? InshaAllah. Ukhuwah fillah.


  1. Gambo ngan saia takde? Tsk tsk

  2. hehe.. curi pic kat cni.. lalalalala~

  3. Faam, hehehe. Jangan lah begini. Post ni merangkap semua. Gambar tidak penting. Uhuk :p

    Ha5, amik jela. Tak kisah :-)
